
Eden Tirl

signature huile de parfum - mandarine spice notablySmitten/limited edition

cause conscious, ethical, fragrance, holiday, perfume, stocking stuffers, watereden tirlComment

When I say this little bottle of perfume is heavenly, I speak the truth.  Delectable citrus notes start off at the top, rich and creamy Madagascar Vanilla fills out the middle...ginger, vetiver and sage finish the scent. It's got a fetching, come-hither quality...nectarous and sexy. 

This bewitching fragrance is notablySmitten's first signature scent - ten percent of each bottle will go toward purchasing Wello Waterwheels for regions of the country that are faced with dire challenges accessing water. 

notablySmitten loves Wello and wants you to know more about this important company here.

Totally notably Smitten!

upcycling residuals - supporting notablySmitten!

cause conscious, upcyclededen tirlComment

In August I came forward to speak about my experiences while working on the "The Cosby Show" back in 1989.

Though the show has been dropped from many networks that were still airing re-runs, I am still receiving residual checks.

I recently received my first couple of checks since coming forward.

This post is to share that these most recent checks, as well as any that come to me in the future, will be entirely donated to The money will go to the running, the advertising and the support of all of the companies and organizations that Smitten by!

I am grateful to be able to use this money for the growth of this (joy generating for me) seed that is notablySmitten, to help it fully bloom.

Thank you for shopping through us! I am Smitten!