
Eva Mendes

girls rule! - Half the Sky

cause conscious, dvd, ethical, girlseden tirlComment

Firstly, I am crazy for this endeavor, this movement: HALF THE SKY

This is an essential watch/study for any and all global citizens. 

This 10 DVD set was inspired by Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's groundbreaking book HALF THE SKY...which takes on the central moral challenge of the 21st century: the oppression of women and girls worldwide.

The film follows actress/activists America Ferrera, Diane Lane, Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan, Gabrielle Union and Olivia Wilde, along with Kristof to meet some of the most courageous individuals of our time, who are doing extraordinary work to empower women and girls everywhere.

These are challenging, dramatic stories of transformation and hope. You will be shocked and outraged...and ultimately inspired by the resilience of the human spirit. The film leaves us in awe of  the capabilities of women and girls to realize their astounding potential.

HALF THE SKY is a passionate call, urging us to bear witness to the plight of the world's women, and to help transform their oppression into opportunity.

Our future is in the hands of women, everywhere.