
Sundara Fund

clean up for christmas - B.A.R.E. soap

cause conscious, ethical, global, healthcare, skin care, soapeden tirlComment

B.A.R.E. Soaps’ message really says it all: “Good For You, Good For Others”.  Made with all-natural ingredients and on a mission to provide a sustainable sanitation programs in Uganda and India, B.A.R.E Soaps certainly are good for everyone.

Their soaps are never tested on animals, and are beautifully made from Organic Saponified Oils, Goat’s Milk and Essential Oils.  20% of each sale are reinvested directly back economic development, bringing short-term relief like shoes, medical attention, and sanitation, and establishing long-term solutions like sustainable farming and employment for women.

The mission of B.A.R.E Soaps becomes clear after learning just two simple but staggering statistics: UNICEF estimates a child dies from diarrhea every 30 seconds in underdeveloped countries, and that a bar of soap can reduce diarrhea born diseases by 40%.  To combat this very real and fully preventable threat of disease, B.A.R.E Soaps has partnered with Children’s Hope Chest and Point Community Church to help families in Kaberamaido, Uganda since 2012. In 2016 they expanded their mission’s reach include Kalwa Slum, India through a partnership with Sundara Fund.