
The Knock Foundation

a significant and worthy backpack: The Large Ruck - Stone and Cloth

backpacks, cause conscious, charity, education, ethical, globaleden tirlComment

Stone and Cloth knows how to make a gorgeous, classic, high-quality backpack.  The Large Ruck is as functional as it is inspirational - each Stone and Cloth item supports scholarships and developmental projects for children and communities in need.  

After Stone and Cloth’s founder hiked Mount Kilimanjaro and learned that his porter worked a grueling job without earning enough to keep his children in school, he knew he needed to bring support to the local communities at the base of that mountain.  As a result, Stone and Cloth partners with The Knock Foundation.  The Knock Foundation works directly with underserved communities to provide what each specific community needs most - an education system, healthcare infrastructure, or clean living conditions.