
upcycling elephant poo for holiday cards! - Holstee

100% natural, artisanal, conscious, elephants, environmentally caring, gifts, handmade, holiday cards, upcyclededen tirl1 Comment

Are you looking for a holiday card that is both planet conscious and charitable? Well, I was too! I am a huge fan of all things letterpress, and I love communique the old fashioned way... the US postal service. Thus, while looking for an enchanting, simple, well designed card to mail out for the upcoming holidays, I was more than pleased to stumble upon

Their choice of printing paper: 50% elephant poo and 50% recycled paper. Yes! The paper is handmade, acid free and 100% natural.

Delightful designs, letterpress printed in silver, blue and gold inks on white cotton paper. Each set comes with six 5"x7" cards and six envelopes. The cards are blank, giving you the opportunity to pen your own singular, spectacular greeting. 

 Holstee offers an array of cards, posters and other colorful, uncommon gift items.

A portion of all proceeds go towards funding Kiva microloans.

Smitten with Holstee.