
make a difference - Madi Apparel

cause conscious, charity, fashion, gifts, girls, panties, undieseden tirlComment

Cool, comfy, confident...these pretty, applause worthy panties are made of a soft organic bamboo fabric and decorous, floral lace.

This is how Madi apparel works:

-       Madi creates a beautiful pair of panties here in the US, using a very practical and sustainable bamboo fabric.

-       You buy said panties for yourself, or several friends!

-       Madi then donates a pair to a woman in need.

-       As underwear is the most under-donated've just helped a fellow sister feel more comfortable and supported.

"Underwear is a woman’s most personal garment -- we know what we’re attracted to and feel most comfortable in."

This company, created by the lovely Hayley Besheer in Kansas City, Missouri in 2014, is outstanding!

Undeniably Smitten!